Hello world, how have you been (gimbit wont be here since people are saying hes getting annoy, and hes not allowed)
Well, today, we will be making a starting screen
Forgot gimbit cant ask what is it, since he’s not here
8 triggers
1 starting inv
1 life cycle
5 text
5 barriers
1 camera view
1 camera point
2 teleporters
1 end game/team switcher
1 spawn pad
Anyways, lets just get making it (this is gonna be pain)
making the controls
First place a spawn pad
Then, plce a trigger above, and under the spawn pad
Now place a trigger and teleporter over the spawn pad
Wire up the two triggers to the teleport to make the player teleport there
(ya get no image)
Surround it all with four barriers
For the trigger above, set it to channel up
For the trigger below, set it to channel down
Place down your starting inv and life cycle
Set the starting inv to give a gadget (any gadget)
Now, set the lifecycle to player fires gadget, transmite on channel select
Now for the trigger in the middle, make it deactiavte on channle started game, but have a channel of started game
(Ya get no image)
Controls are done (wheres the plug in)
Now its time for the screen itself
loud crashing come from outside
Oh yea, theres a fersion virus happening atleast im made out of paper
clears thought
Anyways, the screen
making the screen
This is mostly arty, but eh
First place your last barrier and color it white (or any color), make sure it also has an alpha of 1
Now place all five text, and color two yellow, like this
Now overlap the start and end text of black and yellow, like this
Screen is done
Now we just need to, make the screen work
screen work
First place down two triggers
For the top one, give it channel up 1, but have it be triggered when channel up happens
For the bottom ome, give it channel down one1, but have it be triggered when channel down happens
Now, make the top one deactivate on up 1 but activate on down 1
And male the bottom start deactivated, and deactivate on down 1 but activate on up 1
Now make the black start and the yellow end not to be activated on start, activate on down 1 and deactivate on up 1
Make the yellow start and the black end the opposite of the black start
Now place three more triggers
Put the first one as end game, and be triggered when channel select come
Put the second one as start game, and be triggered when channel select come
Put the third one as random channel name, and be triggered when channel start comes
Have the end game one not be activated on start, activate on channel down 1 and deactivate on channel up 1
Have the start game one activate on channel up 1, but deactivate on channel down 1
wire up the random channel one to the up 1 trigger, down 1 trigger, start game trigger, end game trigger, and have ot so when trigger deactivate
Now place a camera view and camera point, then put them in the white barrier
For the camera point, activate it on channel game started and deactivate on game start
Now place an end game
Have the end game, end the game on channel end game
Now place a teleporter in your game (if its not first person)
And make the player teleport there on game start
That is it yall, this took me 3 days to write (with breaks) i hope yall can use this knowledge I gave to make games with the starting screens
Also, before i end this, i checked up on gimbit, i guess souls aren’t even safe from this fersion virus (am, i even safe)
Welp, ill see you later
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