How to make a working NPC Car! (1/10) 🟩

Hello, this is a tweaked and revamped version of @sebarex 's guide on how to make a working car. I read his guide and it felt a little not descript and had only a few pictures, so I am making a revemped version to help who didn’t get his guide. I will be using wires, as it is the easiest way for me to do it.

  1. Place down a rover

  2. Copy the rover for as many times as you want it to travel.

  3. Make a timer using lifecycles and repeat. Make sure the repeater is at an 0.5 repeating speed and set the task for however long you want it to.

If you would like, you may also make a counter to see if your repeater is working.

  1. Now, you need to make all of the nine rovers behind the original invisible on game start.

  2. Once you have that step completed, you may attach the repeater with 10 counters each numbered 1-10 for target value. This is how it should look like once the step is complete:

  3. Now, add wires connecting the counter to the rovers. Make sure for each new counter and added show once target value reached, the rover behind it hides. (you may also use channels, but I used wires because it is simpler.)

  4. Final step. Set all of the counters to invisible.

Yay! I hope this guide helped. Have a great day and happy coding!


How do I make a poll, I forgot.

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Press build poll in the settings button.

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I don’t care what people say - I love the guide ^^ It is really cool!!! Make a poll by

like toxic said

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  • 1/10
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0 voters

Okay, can you remove that?
And replace it with a trigger loop?

Or maybe there can be two ways depending on who you are-?

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I’m sure it’s possible, I just used a repeater cuz I wanted to make it easier. Feel free to tweak anything you’d like!


That is not swearing I don’t think.

It is according to everybody else in the forums.

Huh, very interesting.

Just use a wire Repeater.

Don’t listen to what other people say… believe in what you think -_-

I believe he was talking about this word in particular. and it was probably a half joke


Its a joke they use.


(or a trigger, if u like channels)

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I don’t see any swears

It looks good and easy to make
(And the repeater is a lil bit everyone does)

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