The problem is I would have to make more signs, and that would take more time. I don’t really have that.
big cheez it energy
Bumping this in the middle of flame wars to remind you to be smart.
congrats on regular
Wow! This is amazing! Nice guide!
Noice guide:
Reusable Bump
added more because bubble wrap
update: put even more because i love torturing people
@gim_guy do not reply of the bump doesn’t work
Quit bumping the guide lol or cello powers will have to be used
calm down guys
The heck?
I’m platy
I’m patty
New update: Bubble wrap removed
I’m sorry @Cellofive :((
the bubble wrap is too fun
Bubble wrap will do wonders for the stimulation economy
My notification system broke due to the reusable bump…
And @Cellofive I had nothing to do with all the bumping… pls don’t use your cello powers on me
bubble wrap will destroy the world one day
My notification after this:
Notification bomb.
Boom Boom Boom
no more wiki because of lag
Your mistake, Bubble wrap time >:D
Yeah, once someone has replied after the reusable bump, the magic is gone…
Then how does yours still work?
No the bumping doesn’t happen
Oh ok.
the bubble wrap happiness still works