How to make a voting system for Among Us

@EggNoodle Am i right on track with the blocks with adding 10 teams?

I just want to know this will work and I won’t waste an hour or two on this for it to not work

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No, that won’t work. Let me just send you a screenshot…



You should have something like this first… I’ll show you the rest of the code once you get on track.


Ok thanks i will do this now

@EggNoodle Hows this so far⬇️


That’s correct. Do you know what to do next?

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Hey @EggNoodle can u send me the rest of the code pls. I don’t know what comes next. Thx

@Magenta_Dragon you don’t need to delete your post, it shows on your profile for mods, so do flags. It is better to leave it as it is or edit it.

No I just deleted it because it was same message. I wasn’t sure if @EggNoodle was seeing them so I would post a new one and delete my old one. Thanks tho!


Sorry I keep bothering you @EggNoodle but can you please show me the rest if the code? Thanks

I’m having classes rn, I can help in probably an hour or so.

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The code you need doesn’t fit the 75 block code limit… I recommend using Blackhole’s post.

@EggNoodle I don’t see a set property tho

@EggNoodle Great guide, very helpful!!

You don’t need to bump a post until it’s at least a few weeks old.

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OK, who keeps reporting my month old posts? I thought my guide was taken down for a second.

Probably some well intended new user who does not look at the dates before flagging…


That is facts, and it is also honestly annoying when it happens.


when I wire lifecycle to the relay what do I put for “event occurs---->trigger relay”

What do you mean?