hi today i will show how to make a sword in gimkit
in barrier setting make sure you have borders turned off
step 1 get a light grey box barrier and place like this
step 2 copy and paste and shape it like this
step 3 then make it longer like this
step 4 now add another rectangle and place it under and color it yellow like this
step 5 now place 2 barriers and color them like this
step 6 now copy and paste the last step 3 times and place like this
step 7 now add a barrier as a circle like this
step 8 now add another circle and color it white like this
step 9 now copy the circle and place it down like this
step 10 now add 2 circles like this
step 11 now add a grey rectangle like this on the grey part of the sword
step 12 now add a circle like this on the grey part of the sword
step 13 add a rectangle like this on the grey right side
step 14 now add another rectangle like this
final result should look like this
if someones says anything about my grammar
why does this honestly look like an emoji
January 25, 2025, 4:01pm
Looks awesome, great design! I think it might be easier to follow if you format it a little more and fix some small grammatical issues, but other then that it seems good to me.
Actually not that bad! it’s easy for beginners to follow and if you fix the grammar mistakes it’ll perfect!
im sorry for that on ad instead of add even though this hurts to know my grammar is bad
January 25, 2025, 4:03pm
There are some things you have to fix, but other than that it’s easy and the final result looks amazing!
can you please state the exact grammar mistakes if your talking about punctioation im sorry but i hate that grammar
also thank you
/the one pixel off on the bottom is destroying me me
what do i have to fix what is wrong with my grammar
January 25, 2025, 4:19pm
Maybe capitalize and add periods. And instead of saying"step 14 add…"
Maybe format it as Step 14-_________.
January 25, 2025, 4:23pm
good suggestion but honestly im too lazy im also making a new topic about a fish but no words cus i honestly kind hate the grammar police
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That’s an awesome design @sebarex , but yeah, there are some grammatical issues.
January 25, 2025, 4:32pm
what what is wrong with my grammar tell me exactly
January 25, 2025, 4:33pm
also thanks for the compliment
You could capitalize more and have more punctuation and either add dashes or colons, like for example instead of step 1 type step 1: or step 1-
1 Like
Awesome Guide! You’re right, this does look like an emoji lol! Just make sure to work on the grammar!