How to make a swim function

Welcome to my guide on how to create a swimming function! This is a very easy system to create (although it can get quite repetitive and confusing if you are using it over a long distance).


Teleporters (as many as you need to cross your area of water)
Triggers (one for each teleporter)
That is it. You only need two devices, but you need quite a lot of them!


(Sorry about the dirt background in the pictures.)

  1. Start with your background for whatever water you are going to be swimming across. I chose a 12x12 square pond surrounded by boardwalk. Whatever you choose, make sure that the water is wall terrain and the terrain around it is floor!

  2. Add any decoration you want now.

  3. Get out a button and put it where you want players to enter the water. Make it invisible and set the message to ‘Swim’ or whatever you want.

  4. Get a teleporter out and change it to invisible. Place it just in the water where you want players to enter like this:

  5. Copy that teleporter across all the water. Add one just out of the water at the end as well. (Make sure that none of your teleporters hit any props, as this will look bad!)

  6. Get out a trigger. change it to invisible and ‘cannot be stepped on’. Set the delay time to 1 second. Copy one next to each teleporter.

  7. Now we start adding channels! (I don’t use wires because it becomes really hard to look at and it makes it all too easy to make a mistake.) Set the channel the button transmits on when pressed to something like ‘enter water’ (use what works best for you).

  8. Set the first teleporter to teleport there on channel ‘swim’ (or whatever you used), and set the ‘when teleported here’ channel to ‘1’.

  9. Use these settings on the trigger next to it: “Trigger this trigger on channel ‘1’” and “When this trigger is triggered, send on channel ‘2’”.

  10. Set the next teleporter to teleport there on channel ‘2’, and set it to transmit on channel ‘3’ when teleported there.

  11. Set the trigger next to it to - you guessed it - trigger on channel ‘3’ and send on channel ‘4’ when triggered.

  12. Keep doing the same thing, going up in numbers, until you get to the end, but make the final channel from the teleporter that leads out of the water something like ‘finished swim’ if you want to do step 13. If you don’t, just don’t put a channel. Also, earlier I added a trigger next to that teleporter - that was a mistake. If you put it there, delete it. Sorry!

  13. This bit is optional. You can add a notification saying something like ‘That was a nice swim!’ or something. Make it appear on the ‘finished swim’ channel.

You have now finished!


memory consuming but its a nice guide @Little_Green_Duck

If you want to make it more memory-effective, use less teleporters and triggers and stretch them out farther. It will save memory, but the animation will be more jittery.

I would do that, but I didn’t want it too be too clunky.

New possible version: You don’t actually need all of the confusing channels and triggers! I just realised that you can scrap all the triggers and channels, make the first teleporter part of group 1, the second part of group 2 and so on, then make each one teleport to a teleporter in the next group on a channel called ‘move forward’ or something. Then, have a repeater (or a trigger with a delay of 1 that starts and ends on the same channel, I got the idea from this post, I got the idea from this post: Please Never Use Repeaters (and a guide on looping)) that starts when you press the button and sends on the ‘move forward’ channel every second. On the final teleporter, the one that takes you out of the water, make it transmit on a channel when teleported there that stops the repeater.


This will fix it!

ain’t no way bro stole pi’s cows idea :skull:

bro unavailable it’s not a good thing
@unavailible stawp being a myszzie ripoff
or i’ll (attempt to) sic discord on you


aight, wait like 5 minutes


Crisis averted

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slope jumps are kind of like swimming, right @NotYoyo?
if you stop moving, you sink, if you jump you go up

Quite, you have to repeatedly jump and twitch to the top
@Bluey just look at my guide and try it on your own

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what do you mean?

This guide isn’t about swimming at all.
It is just a teleporter chain.

I know it technically is, but you can use it to make a swimming effect. I use it as swimming because I think it works really well as that. Plus, it’s useful to have a guide on teleporter chains (I just realised there is actually another guide on them, sorry about that, but I think this helps to show ways of using them.).

Actually, the other guide was someone asking for help on how to make something like that, and I can’t find any other guides mentioning teleporter chains so I think this is the only one.

Love this guide!!!
