How To Make a Stamina System Like Dandy's World! 4/10 🟨

What’s up, guys! Recently, I’ve been answering peoples’ Dandy’s World questions, so I figured I might as well make a guide out of the biggest findings I’ve come across so far! Introducing: the Dandy’s World Stamina System! I’ve seen a lot of stamina systems on the forums, but this version is strictly to recreate this Roblox game. Please don’t sue me, @Vortex-Mist or @Mineflyer. Of course, El Goblino will be here to help you guys out. Don’t worry, he hasn’t left…yet. So, with that out of the way, let’s get started!

What You'll Need

4 triggers
2 Speed Modifiers
2 Game Overlays
2 Item Granters
1 Inventory Item Manager
1 Property
1 Checker


Step 1. Place down your first Game Overlay, name it Sprint. Make it be active on game Have it transmit and deactivate on “Sprint,” and activate on “Stop_Sprinting.” Do the same with the other overlay, but make it NOT active on game start, make it say Stop Sprinting, transmit and deactivate on “Stop_Sprinting,” and acitvate on Sprint. Basically, my Crouching Mechanics.

Step 2. Place down 2 speed modifiers. Have one be 1.75X speed, and the other be 1X speed. Make the 1.75X speed, or Sprint Speed, activate when receiving on “Sprint.” Make the 1X speed, or normal Speed, activate when receiving on “Stop_Sprinting.”

Step 3. Grab one trigger, and set it to 0.1 Delay, transmit on “Deplete_Energy,” activate and transmit when receiving on “Sprint,” and deactivate on “Stop_Sprinting.” Grab the second trigger, don’t change ANY settings, and wire the Sprint trigger to this new one. Triggered → trigger. Now, wire this new trigger to the Sprint one. Triggered → trigger.

Step 4. Make a number property, name it “Energy” with player scope. Grab your inventory item manager, set it to track Energy and update this new “Energy” property. Set an item granter to take away 1 energy when receiving on “Deplete_Energy.”

Step 5. Have the checker check when receiving on “Deplete_Energy.” Have it check for when the player’s energy reaches 0. Have it transmit on “Stop_Sprinting” when the check passes. Have a trigger trigger and activate when receiving on “Stop_Sprinting,” transmit on “Gain_Energy,” and deactivate when receiving on “Sprint.” Set it’s delay to 0.2.

Step 6. grab an item granter that grants 1 Energy when receiving on “Gain_Energy.” Now, put down the LAST trigger. Once again, CHANGE NO SETTINGS. Wire the “Gain_Energy” trigger to this new one: Triggered → trigger. Wire the new trigger to the “Gain_Energy” trigger. Triggered → trigger.

And You’re Done!

El Goblino Summary

Hola, amigos! sigh this guide was a bit long, so I guess I gotta help you guys out again. And Landyn, don’t test my patience! I’m getting tired of this whole “save me pls or I will shove you down the drain” gig. You’re a parasite.
Basically, when you press the Sprint button, your speed almost doubles, but your energy starts to deplete, and fast. So, use it wisely! The inventory item manager tracks how much energy you have left and updates the property accordingly. The Deplete Energy trigger does exactly what it’s name says; depletes your energy. When you run out of energy or you press the Stop Sprinting button, your speed is reset and you start regaining your stamina. Not-So-Simple as that!


And don’t panic, I will add pictures. I just need a minute.

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It’s like you read my mind. I was gonna do that just now, but you already did it! Thank you!

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Pictures have been added!
P.S. Since @G-Code549 took down his poll, I will put up my own.
P.S. Please explain your reasoning for your rating in the comments.

What Did You Think Of This Guide?
  • 5 Stars! :star::star::star::star::star: (Perfect the Way It Is!)
  • 4 Stars! :star::star::star::star: (Great, Just Some Thoughts…)
  • 3 Stars! :star::star::star: (Not Too Bad.)
  • 2 Stars! :star::star: (Could Use A Lot Of Work.)
  • 1 Star! :star: (Horrible! Worst Guide Ever!)
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Search before you post please, this has been done multiple times before (I counted 5) and even though it says “Like Dandy’s world” doesn’t make it too different,


I’m confused. Please explain. This was just a system I came up at the top of my head when answering @metal_sonic-1’s question. I don’t see how it could be the same system as the other sprint guides.


It isn’t the exact same. We just don’t need 40[1] different sprinting mechanic guides. 2 or 3 is fine. But we’re at like 6 now.

  1. hyperbole ↩︎


looks fun! might use this in my fnaf map (yes I’m still working on it after a year)

the organization is prob gonna make me work on it for longer than necessary tho (just because of personal preference)


True, it’s just that I would rather have people voting for the content of the guide versus some similarities to other guides; what is versus what could’ve been.


great guide altho '83 is right we dont need 40 [1] guides about stamina

  1. another hyperbole ↩︎