How to make a simple repeater

a normal repeater takes up 500 memory, I will show you how to make one that only takes up 90 memory.
First you want to place a lifecycle block.
Next you want to place two wire repeaters.
Now you want to connect the lifecycle to one of the wire repeaters and select event occurs.
Finally you must connect each wire repeater.

Now you have made a repeater taking 410 less memory than the normal repeater block.
(you must connect a device like a counter to one of the wire repeaters for it to work repeat)


welcome to the forums @pplloopp1!
we appreciate the fact that the first thing you posted was a guide
unfortunately we already have repeater guides

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Nice guide. Welcome to the forum

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Welcome to the forums!

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There is already the device of the repeater, and you can also just use a trigger loop

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Yeah, I don’t see this as needed, but nice guide!

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This is very helpful, this is the least memory costing loop there is, trigger loop is 80, this is 10.