How to Make a Secret Laser Trap (Difficulty 3/10 or 🟩)

This guide will show you how to make a simple trap with an invisible laser

Step 1

Make 2 paths (A staircase and a straight path)

Step 2

Make a laser beam

Step 3

Copy the laser. Go to the settings of one of the lasers, and change the amount of damage to 0
Then place it in the straight path

Step 4

With the other laser, change the settings so it does 1000 damage. Then change the color to (0R,0G,0B). This will make it invisible

Step 5

Place the invisible laser so it blocks the staircase

The result

The player will most likely go on the staircase because it looks safe, but then gets caught by the laser

Comment what difficulty this should be!


I think this should be a 3/10. Also, could you change the images in steps 1- 4 to be like they are in the result picture? Great guide, btw!

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wait are the staircases collidable
or does the player have to go under?

Because I’m a new user, it doesn’t allow me


I would give this guide’s difficulty a 2/10, this was very easy to understand! Good guide :smile:


There is a staircase above a path so they can go in the path or the staircase
Kinda like in the end picture


W guide. I really needed to know how to position my laser.


You click the “change size button”
Then use your mouse to hold and turn around the green dot


Not bad for a first guide, but it could be better.
Difficulty: 0/10

What difficulty should this be???
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How do I make a poll like that?

I think you have to be a member (@trust_level_2)…
Or you got to setting, press Build Poll, and then set that in settings to Number Rating:
Screen recording 2025-01-24 7.09.04 AM

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