How to make a secret compartment

im trying to make a city roleplay but i need help with the prison i set up because i want something to do at the prison for those with the cop job but i want the inmates to like craft or find weapons

The work in progress tag is for guides that are incompleted btw

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Maybe the prisoners have a way to escape, then the cops get handed weapons that they can use to fight the prisoners.


the thing is i want the inmates to get weapons in secret areas but i dont want them to be able to easily see them

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basically i should have made this how to make a secret area SORRY

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Use camera view devices to keep people from seeing outside of a room, and out side the camera view zone, you can have an entrance way to a secret room. Or, you can have them solve a puzzle

Oh and also, welcome to the community! I know that you’ve joined a while earlier but this is your first post, so it sort of counts :]

well i have been making maps for a while but i just found out about this forum thing so yeah but thanks

Another idea is placing an invisible button in a hidden corner of a room that teleports you to where the weapons are. Make sure to give the players a subtle hint of that button though.


AHH! I haven’t welcomed you yet!!!

(Operation Welcome activated)

Welcome to the forum, @Wargod! Check out the beginner-must-read and forum-tips for more easy help! Read the Community Guidelines for a gist of the rules. If you ever run into a hard problem, talk to anyone in @trust_level_3. They can help you with hard and in-depth concepts and mechanics!

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(remembering you can make buttons and teleporters invisible…)

Ooh, I’m probably going to make a prison map now, thanks for the idea!

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no problemo wingwave also one thing for prison maps you should add a button that makes a lockdown and activates a buncha barriers at doorways


Oh, nice idea! I’ll definitely use that!


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