How To Make A Rope Bridge

Hello, I will show you how to make a variation of a rope bridge.

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Background Info

  1. Uses about 570 memory or more depending on how long you needed your’s to be
  2. Uses a lot of repeat materials
  3. An item’s tint will be adjusted


  1. Wooden Pole 2 (x3)
    2.Roller (x2)


Step One

Get Three Wooden Pole 2’s and arrange them in a way where there black outlines are intersecting.

Screenshot 2024-09-20 11.09.46 AM

Step Two

Go into The props menu and grab a “Roller”
Screenshot 2024-09-20 11.10.49 AM

Step Three

Click on the roller to adjust its settings and move over to the appearance tab.
Screenshot 2024-09-20 11.14.57 AM

From there click on “Tint”
Screenshot 2024-09-20 11.15.22 AM

Now Adjust the tint to make it where the RGB says “255,255,0”
Screenshot 2024-09-20 11.16.33 AM

Step Four

From there duplicate your roller and place one near the top of the Bridge Piece and one near the bottom
Screenshot 2024-09-20 11.19.02 AM

Final Step

Finally, Copy that piece you just made and attach the copied version to the original.

repeat that step for as long as you need your bridge to be (for me it was 19 bridge pieces)

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Final Result

Your Final result Should Look something like this (or different depending on how long you need it to be)

Final Result

Screenshot 2024-09-20 11.25.15 AM


Do you think this would fit in Art?

Overall nice guide!

1 Like

Thank you. This might fit in art but I feel using a bridge in a game wouldn’t classify as art.


It’s prop art, so it classifies as art

Yea probably. I’ll change it

oh Nvm changed already

Wow, that’s actually pretty cool!