How to make a Pyramid in GKC

True, at the time it was great, I will see if I can do a follow up guide, but the stone is cobble, not solid, which is the one issue.


#shameless Bump plugin

Are you certain this took you 45 minutes of layering?
Not to be a layering nerd here, but that seems mighty long for layers that theoretically could be made in a few minutes if you use gridlines and make the side parts first, then move them over to the other side precisely at the same level to not change the layer it’s on.

When you move one that is a lower layer and you move the whole piece it throws off all the layers. So sort of.

I thought this was in platformer mode for a second. lol

now make obamium
good job btw

why was this flagged?!? This was made in september.

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I dunno. Idea about the next one: how to make a pyramid scheme


yeah that does make sense tho, it looks too odd to fool anyone

translation: bump