[ How to make a Pseudo-Jump Crystal ] [2/10]

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This guide was created after a device topic, in which this very concept was created. As far as I am aware, this is the most memory efficient and best way to do this.

Major Credit to these people

Original Topic

Alright, here is the material list

  • 3x Wire Repeater
  • 2x Barrier
  • 1x Zone

Now, onto the guide!

Step 1

Place a single small green (0, 255, 4) barrier, it can look however, but it needs to be small.
This barrier will represent the crystal itself.
Make sure collision is OFF.

This is what I made the barrier look like, closest I could get to the actual thing with one barrier.
Screenshot 2024-12-19 11.24.38 AM

Step 2

After you have set up the crystal, place a zone barely bigger than the crystal, with the middle being the crystal itself.


Step 3

Now, place 2 wire repeaters. One of the wire repeaters should have no delay, and the other should have a delay of 0.3 seconds.


Step 4

Place a barrier big enough to step on below the zone. This barrier needs to be invisible, and have collision ON.


Step 5

Wire the zone to the no delay wire repeater.

The wire settings on the zone should be “player enters zone”
The no delay wire repeater should be wired to the zone, the 2nd wire repeater (the 0.3 sec delay one), and the two barriers.

The settings for the zone should be “deactivate”
The settings for the wire that connects to the barrier below the zone should be “activate”
The settings for the wire that connects to the crystal barrier should be “deactivate”
You may have to move some stuff around to let yourself connect the wire


Step 6

Place a 3rd wire repeater. This wire repeater’s delay should be two seconds.

Wire the 2nd wire repeater (0.3 sec delay) to the barrier below the zone, with the setting “deactivate”, and to the 3rd wire repeater.


Step 7

The final bit of wiring.

Wire the 3rd wire repeater to the crystal barrier and the zone. Both of the wires should have “Activate” as their setting.

Image / Final Product

That is all, I believe that covers the process for creating one of these.

Here’s a GIF of the crystal in action!

I hope you enjoyed this guide!


if i missed something tell me im like 99% sure i got everything

heres the poll

how difficult is this?

  • 1/10
  • 2/10
  • 3/10
  • 4/10
  • 5/10
  • 6/10
  • 7/10
  • 8/10
  • 9/10
  • 10/10
  • 11/10
  • 0/10
0 voters

oh yea also ill add images later, when i have time.

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AMZING guide :star_struck:


Nice guide, ima also happy you didnt kick him this time🫠

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8/10 rn bcs no pics but prob when come 10/10

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You missed the part where you IP banned that voice (/j)
And then they came back (/j)
Nice guide!
Constructive: VERY constructive! I don’t like how most people don’t put everything in dropdowns (including myself). 10/10!
Grammar: I see some grammar mistakes, such as “guid-”. make sure the word is finished! Other than that, 8/10!
Usefulness: VERY useful, and it’s the first guide on it, so 10/10! (There’s also the memory-efficient factor)
Additional: You credited the people who helped you with the research topic, and added on to it! 10/10!
TOTAL: 38/40! VERY good guide!


You might consider adding pictures. Amazing for now!

pics soon

ye im working on it right now.

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Don’t make fake alter egos in posts.
Good guide, and you should add some images.


Read before yall talk

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why no fake alter egos?

Because they are inherently sarcastic and/or always off-topic fluff.


ah I see

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Alright, added the images.

I’d add a gif of it working at the end but I can’t get one that’s small enough for discourse to let me use it.

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Use a GIF Compressor

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k, ill add that later.

Updated Title, since 2/10 seems like the winner in the poll, if that changes, ill change the title.

Also I added a gif!

Nice guide, can’t wait till they give us the real device

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edited some stuff so the original topic link will onebox.

thats it.