How to make a piranha plant from mario

Yeah, It’s really nice… But I think you showed that to me a week ago. (Not in the forum)

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Yeah, on the GKC Chat Padlet. Are you Aril, @AnxietyAttack?

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Yup, but I changed my name to AnxietyAttack on padlet lol. Also, are you Rumor??

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Yeah. :+1:

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Knew it, well if you wanna play later just message me on padlet and maybe we can make a game later.

Okay, though I’m working on my new Digiverse game now. If you have any ideas, feel free to tell me some here.

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I know nothing about Digiverse lol

Okay. Let’s move this convo to the padlet. K?

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Okay, will do. (check padlet)

Great guide!!!

I forsee a super mario game guide incoming loll


Wait, you’re back, @Aubec7?! I haven’t seen you post in a while.
Cellofive is also seem to be back btw.

I’m just checkin’, see what’s poppin’. Prob should get back on-topic now tho.

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Yeah. Welcome back, though! :grin:

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Thank you @Aubec7 ! I appreciate it.


Hey me too!

Ooh, nice job making it 3D! I didn’t think of that.

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You could make the 3-D square a lil higher to add more depth to it too. We really need a complete super mario guide lol

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I will make one one day.

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@AnxietyAttack Gift for you


Thank you!!<3 I love it!