This is a tutorial for how to make a passcode door. I know that there are other guides for this, but the two I read were either outdated or the pictures were hidden, so I’m trying it myself, so here it goes:
This is the easiest part because there is not much for the barrier. All you need is a default barrier with the scope set to “player”.
Place a bunch of counters like this:
Now leave the counters that aren’t circled like in the picture.
The circled counters should have these settings:
Place another counter to the side and set it’s target value to 3.
Also, none of these counters should be visible in-game
Place 3 dialogues and give them all 4 inputs and no text. The inputs would be 1, 2, 3, and 4.
Place a button by the first barrier and make it not visible in-game.
Place a gate console on the button
Wire the button to one of the dialogues like this: Button pressed—>Open dialogue
Wire this to the leftmost circled counter in the first picture:
Now wire that counter to the side counter to increment it.
Repeat the process (besides the button) until all the circled counters are wired to the side counter.
Now wire the side counter to the barrier and tell it to disappear
Now wire the first dialogue to the second so that when it is closed, the other one opens, and do that from the second to the third.
This guide tells you how to make a passcode opening door. Since it uses counters it is unlikely to get outdated and if you have any problems please respond to me.
Thanks for reading!