How to make a overlay button only accessible for a certain team

Use a relay that is activated by a game start lifecycle. The relay should broadcast to a specific team.

i did that and it still does not work

Make the scope of the overlay be team or player.

i did that also its not working

Make sure teams are rather spit into size or specific team amount

There’s 2 scopes for an overlay. Did you get both?

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that does not work and @getrithekd i tried that and it did not change anything

wait i got that backwards

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@Jobozo1875 that one did not work

so i found out if i switch it to all players on my team instead of on a specific team i can get it to work for me specificly

Try making it activated on game start, and use the relay to deactivate it for one team. Try setting scope to team? I think I have run into that problem with overlays before.

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Has this been fully resolved yet?

no it has not, I’m keeping it open hoping someone has a solution

It just started working thank you to everyone who helped


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