How to make a Name Checker

So, this idea is like if you have a certain name, something happens(like a barrier opening up.)

I made a Sirath tribute statue that has a button labeled “check your name”
Screenshot 2023-12-06 2.01.10 PM
when you press it, it checks whether or not your name is “Sirath”. If your name doesn’t match, nothing happens. If it is though, it opens up this barrier:

Inside the formerly blocked room, you will find literally anything you want. It can even be a troll
I’m not sure if someone else has ever made a post about this, so I’m not giving credit to anybody.
(Edit) What I used inside was a “potion”(with a button) that you drank, and on the battlefield, anyone who got too close to you was respawned.

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This is interesting, (un oh, I think I have the @The_7th_Dragon bug)

yes, there are guides on this, Name-Linked System