How to make a Military tank

Like everyone who answered my poll, I will make a tough tank

I call it The Back Up or Trooper .
@Foxy I will make the other tank when I am done with this one

Things to have

  • Four Big Green Space Container
  • 6 Small Space Container
  • 2 Green Metal Signs
  • 6 Tires
  • 4 Ceramic (Black) Plates
  • One Railing (Green)
  • One Big Metal Pole
  • One Small Black Ceramic Plate
  • One Shield (Green)
    Now ITS TIME TO CREATE (My favorite part, of course)
Part One

Grab Four Big Green space containers and put them like in the picture

Part Two

Soldier !!! Grab 3 normal Green Space container!! and put them like in the picture!!!

Part Three

Grab 3 green space containers and put them like in the picture
Part Three

Part Four

Now grab 6 tires and put them like in the picture

Part Five

Grab 4 ceramic plates and put them like in the picture

Part Six

Grab (First)grab a pole and put it like in the picture
a golden shield and then make it green

Part Sixx

Part Seven

grab two green metal signs and put them like in the picture
and then grab a railing and put it like in the picture

(hope its works for everyone)
Its poll is for, If you want me to create another tank

  • Yes
  • No
  • … Nah
0 voters

WOW this one is really awesome! I love how much detail that you put into working into this guide!

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