How to make a map randomizer

I want to make a map randomizer for my battle royale game but I do not know how to do it

Can you elaborate?

Give example of where you’ll spawn, is there a lobby, what your game is like, etc.

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so i have 2 maps called apex arena and freezy peak and I want it so it randomizes witch map you go to

and it is a battle royale game

Where do you start?

this is where you start off in the lobby right now I have the 1 map (apex arena) you teleport into but I also want it so it randomizes for the other map too (freezy peak)

Ok. Place down a trigger and a lifecycle. Now go to the life cycle, and wire it to the trigger, so that when the game starts, the trigger triggers.

Now, create block code for the trigger. Create a variable called “rand#” and make it so that it sets rand# to a random number from 1 to n.

Now create code that goes "Broadcast message on channel Create Text With Map & “rand#”.

Now make it so that when the game starts, it automatically teleports you to the area using channels.