How to make a Lion | Difficulty 0/10

I hope you like it!

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I know this is off-topic, but how do I like make a list like, it closes and you can manually open it for guides?

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You know the gear? Click that, click ‘Hide Details’ and you can do something like this. You might not be able to, I think you need like TL2 or 3. I have no idea.

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ok, thanks!!!

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I think I’m tl2 now. before I didn’t have it there. but I know you have to be on for 15 days. maybe it’s for everyone then.

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Nice art guide!

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Sorry, but you might want to merge all these zoo animal posts together. It can create a lot of clutter for such similar topics.

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No one can merge (yet) because that is a TL4 ability.

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Yes, although, you can put it in one post all together.

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You mean a resources post?

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Kind of but instead of putting the links to each post, keep it in the same post.

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How about making a wiki for these?


Can I make Wikis?

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You’re not at trust level 3 yet, so unfortunately not yet


How do I get TL3 then? :sweat_smile:

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50 days and a bunch of other stuff. You’re just missing the other stuff.

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I have 50 days. What else?

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There is a guide for it.

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(📢 PSA) Trust Levels This thing? But I feel like I have done all required


Maybe you just need to wait then.