The ends? It’s in the all options tab.
Click on the laser and select Laser Color, put it to black. You Are Done!!
don’t use the resolved tag. that was made before solutions came out…
do what slimartist said and where it says show path in the settings turn it to no
@Dragonpuff Welcome! (I see you joined 40 min ago)
@Jobozo1875 Wow! Another person that joined as early as me!
Welcome to the forums, @Dragonpuff! I hope you have a great time here!
The ends of the laser and the dots are in the options!
Also now you can mark a solution to close the post if you found you answer!
@Slim Wow one day earlier then me! So cool!
Btw how do you make a sliding transition like what you had on your profile?
simple transitions from clipchamp or something like that probably
Oh ok, so just insert a video file in there or something?
Thanks for asking!
I got a bunch of images together then imported them to Canva (or anything but I use Canva). After, I just tweaked the speeds, added the simple built-in transition and exported it as a gif!
go to settings, do this.
It should be invisible when inactive. If you want to laser players with invisible mechanics, use a zone.
I was not going to say “laser players” but…
ik this is salty but what’s the point of repeating what people’ve said
the only reason I added this is because getting rid of the end points don’t make the laser all the way invisible
Now, in the forum, you will see things like this:
When someone answers your question in your Help posts, please mark it as a solution. That will make the post automatically close 3 hours after the last reply.
That way, it will prevent more clutter and off-topic posting in the forum. Please start or continue doing this. It is greatly appreciated!
I don’t think this user is gonna come back in a hurry. They were last seen two days ago…