How to make a "jumping" system! (Difficulty: 3/10 🟩) [WIP]

You mentioned @ Little, @WhoAmI

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i just now realized this was never finished @Akari

lol well not anymore for me!


yeah but you have an topic editng limit which is one day unless someone make your guide a wiki so you can finish part B

i will i just have school sorry

you can’t edit it anymore because your guide not a wiki and your a basic user which means you only have one day to edit and it been run out
i can ask a tl3 to make it a wiki tho if you want

can you explain what the difference between wiki and a post is?

Wikis are infinite editable posts.


Hey, lets let the owner of the post ask a Regular, they can do it themself.

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And they’re usually a single topic about an “umbrella” of things.
Like, for example, this guide is about props only and cool ways to use them.

Cool ways to use props 2.0 (Difficulty :white_large_square: or 0/10)

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No, that’s tugs. Wikis are just so they can have infinite editing time.


Oh, alright. Thank you.

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Welcome to the community @Someone2269!

Uh, what’s the point of that?

I probably have hundreds of those by now hahaha

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to encourage people
ill stp now.

bump wait why part B never got finished?

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edit time :frowning:

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