How to make a inventory with multiple slots (pseudo inventory)

how to make a inventory with multiple slots (pseudo inventory)

Go into map options and you’ll find it. If you’re talking about items and not gadgets, that is automatically added.

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Check it again, please.

The amount of gadget slots is in map options.

Its a pseudo inventory not the normal inventory.

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@Blackfox45666 Ver is too hard…

that’s the only guide. it’s a hard concept.

i can make one for you on the wix if you would like just post it in code sharing and remove any other user other than “blackfox”" to avoid the trolls in there


@Blackfox45666 can you help me in the wiki?

i would but my way of explaining things might be a bit too complicated/or confusing for you no offense meant

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None were taken also, I added the code. (no more off-topic)

oh thank goodness i kept the original system i forgot the blocks :smiley:


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