How to make a in-race ranking system

I asked this question yesterday, but then I realized the solution I marked didn’t work with my maps, so I’m asking this again.

How can I make an efficient system to show players their rank in-game? My original thought was to use zones connected to counters, but that takes too many properties, and if I were to cut down on the number of zones, then the placement system would be less accurate, which would affect item targeting like with the red shell, and item probabilities.

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You could add some detection points around it and measure the amount of time from one person to the next and use those.


Unfortunately I don’t think that would work for me.

Why? Could you specify some constraints that you want?

Mostly just no properties.

You’re going to need some properties if you want this to work… If that’s an hard no on properties, then I think that it’s not possible.


Yeah. Properties are ok though if you keep them organized. Or at least name them well.

I use properties way too much :skull:


Are you making a racing game like mine or like getrithekd’s?

Based off of his pfp and this, probably mario kart

And his bio

Well, I used @Im_pretty_cool’s system. You should be able to adapt it from there. If you need help, just ask!


That guide seems to only show the end of the race, which I’ve already figured out. I think I have an idea for a single-property method though, although I have yet to test it.

You can use the guide wherever in your race. I haven’t touched GK8 in a while, but lemme see if I can find a picture to explain my point.

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Unless I’m misunderstanding what you’re saying, that would still be property-heavy, which is undesirable for me, because of the amount of courses I will have.

I think I used two or three properties for the whole build, and I could probably optimize it even further.

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How did you do that with so few properties? I was thinking that there would be a property for every laser, but I guess I was wrong.

You have to use a property that counts the lasers passed.

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No, I just have one property for the game’s version of your place in-game, and one version for what the player sees.

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Okay, that’s what I was thinking of using. Thanks everyone for helping me! I’m going to leave the topic open until I’m able to test this though, just in case I need more help.

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Almost. You use PCPs[1] that are wired to the lasers, and directly take the value from the counters.

  1. psuedo counter properties ↩︎

How do you directly take the value from the counters? That was my original idea, but I couldn’t figure out a way to do that.

Edit: My phone’s at 2% right now, so it’ll be a while before I see any new posts.