How to make a hospital bed

So, we have an ambulance, we have a medical tent, but what is there for the gims to lay on? NOTHING! well not anymore, today they will finally get their deserved (uncomfy) bed to lay on while injured

Front view:
Step 1.
2 white barriers with an outline

Step 2.
you will need a metal pole and a barrier with an outline, tint it blue, and place them like this

Step 3.
get some metal poles, tint them dark grey, and put them like this

Side view:
Step 1.
More barriers
Screenshot 2024-04-05 1.54.18 PM
Step 2.
even more barriers, but they are white

Step 3.
A metal pole

Step 4.
More metal poles and 2 more barrier

And you are done (plz give me feedback for both of them on how I can make them better)

What is it with these things? they might be important, but I have no hands, or legs, or eyesā€¦ (how am I even typing and making guides)

File X3

I have lost a little hope of a cure, every day it gets worse and worse. they have put martial law into effect and the citizens have gone Crazy! they have tried to get into my safe house, but I had to ā€œdisposeā€ of them. BUT I have found a weakness in the infected, Well there is one, but I havenā€™t fully figured it out. I need to get some rest for nowā€¦


Nice Guide!
Really good for an infection map
Also, lets goooo! 1st reply


Ooh, barrier art is great. Nice guide!

I really like the lore at the end!

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Barrier art is quite interestingā€¦ :thinking:

Have you seen the modded barrier art? Itā€™s pretty fun to mess with.


Modded barrier art? what does it look like? (I would mod but cant due to limited knowledge of gimkit)

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Barrier art generated with mods. Canā€™t show you any right now though, not sure where the screenshots are.


Seems very interesting, I wonder what the limitations areā€¦

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The limitations are the 500 barrier limit lol


So (theoretically) would making the entire Statue of Liberty (life-sized, with almost every detail) be possible (this would be through an infinite number of theoretical maps) with the barrier limit/cap, and or maybe using props in a few spots

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Yeah you can do that


Nice! Something to add might be some bicycle racks as railings on the sides , as most hospital beds have those. Also, maybe a side table, and an IV bag?
P.S: If you really wanted to, you could have there be little drawers on the bottom part.

You predicted my next guide! (The weird IV bag holder thingermabob)


Oh, sweet! I also tried coming up with a way to make the railings, a little messy but I think it looks alright.


This is really good, I love the 3-D touch for the side view!
Also, just to spice up your regular beds, you could use this (just without the poles).

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This is great!
I love them!
But why not just add it to your other guide?

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Hey, to awnser your question, I would but the 30 day editing limit would cut my MEGA GUIDE short (I would make a wiki but over 210 days and no regular rolešŸ˜„)

Oh wow oki :slight_smile:
yeah i wish i was regularā€¦

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sameā€¦ :frowning: