this guide wont actually be made by me this time
Wha- then who?
you gimbit, ill give you a body, just for this though
Oh great, just what I want to so
well cya fades into a line
Ugh, well, guess I gotta make one, atleast i have a body for this
making the computer
So first, we are going to need to actually make the computer, you will need anything white for the walls and anything blue for the screen, and make sure it turns out like this
Well, that was the easy part, now we need to do the devices
Any amount of buttons you want (for the amount of tabs)
Camera view
With the buttons place the ammount you desiree, ill do three
Every button should be invisible, and they should have diffrent names (which Im not doing)
I almost forgot, they will need their own channel, ill do the nothing
That should be all
camera view
Do I even need to explain, well, for people that dont know, make sure the green line is inside the computer, like this
Look at that, we are done with the camera view
Just place it for now, you will need to wait for the games I think, but make sure its like this
I almost forgot again, make it invisible
Phew, thats alot of work, well, camera view was easy
fades out of the line nice job gimbit
Ugh, do I need to do the next thing
you mean the games? Of course, cya fades back into the line
I hate him, well, lets make a game
Now, we need to do the devices
Camera view
Name it back to home screen, and make it invisible, ans try to cover the inteir game
Tada, the button is done
camera view
Why does Ian have this for the steps, its annoying, well, do the same thing as the computer
Well that parts done, whats in the next page, oh combine
You will need to combine the computer and game to do this part, first wire up a button to the game from the computer with button → teleporter
Then do the same thing with the games button to the computer
And we are done
Ian, am I done?
fades back out of the line yes, you are now done
Finnaly, that took forever
well no more body for you
Aw, i liked that body
your a- nevermind, well, the guide is done yall, cya
Bye everyone
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