It’s blocked. Ah well. Who really needs it.
Greate guide! Tim is spreading entertainment faster than the radio can spread the news to the world!
Thanks! And he has a built in radio
hey! burmping was my original idea! gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
i am angy now
I thought it was @The_7th_Dragon 's idea…?
She’s been here longer than you…
Bumping one of my favorite guides
just bumped intoa tim poster
Poster lol
The moment I realized:
How long did it take
Ages… maybe eons? Can’t help the fact dat I’m smooth
This joke is pretty smooth
My friend noticed a broken clock and asked, “When did that happen?” and I replied, “From the looks of it, 8:45”.
Reusable Bump
Going for another notification bomb
keep it full checkmark
you are chinese?
Say a what now?
i know chinese really well, so , RANDOM ONLINE STRANGER FRIEND!!!
Huh… Who’s Chinese…
Oh… I skipped that part and went straight to the guide…