How to make a 3D Fountain [Difficulty: 0/10]

Why would you need this guide… maybe for a murder mystery game? Or just for decoration? Or maybe you’re just looking? Well anyway let’s get started.

So. Fountain. There’s no props. So how? Well I’m gonna show you!

  1. Take the barriers with the cute stones on the edges

  2. Done already? Wow! Now arrange those in the shape you want you’re fountain to be.

  3. It doesn’t look like a fountain yet! Underneath add the terrain as water, any color you’d like!

  4. To make this look more like a fountain, take some more barriers, make them tiny and form a little box or shape in the middle.

  5. OPTIONAL: If you want it to look like its sprouting water add an alien plant and color it blue.

(Don’t mind me swimming in the water fountain, its very fun :slight_smile: )


Nice Guide! A fitting scene for a little city.


Thank you, @BreathTaking !

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This is a very nice and simple guide! Good job!

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Thank you, @RektRainbow !

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Spectacular! :pinched_fingers: :sparkles:

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Thank you, @The_7th_Dragon !

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Very Creative! Something worth looking at in a Gimkit World!

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Thank you, @thatOneCringe ! That made my day :slight_smile:

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You may want to fix the back and side layering of the walls, it will look neater and I would add the emoji :sweat_drops: over and over to make the water. If i may, can I revise this post in a guide @tspentakota? I will credit you and give a link to your guide.


You can also add 3D art so the seaweed, agh, I mean alien plant, (got confused with The Seventh Dragon’s underwater guide) so it won’t look weird.


You could also use lighter water
instead of the dark water

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You could do that too.


Yeah, there is a lot I wish to improve, thats why I requested to make a guide on it. Most of the time my product turns out very different, (no offense).


You mean barrier tinting?
There isn’t any lighter water and the water (white) terrain won’t work because it’s too light.

Also, @WolfTechnology, I think you should word that differently because it might offend some people but yeah i agree

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You may do that, @WolfTechnology ! And ty for the suggestions :slight_smile:

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I used dark water so it would match the color of the alien plant.

Thanks, the guide will be out some time tomorrow as of right now I do not have the time.

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Alright. I look forward to seeing it, @WolfTechnology!

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Bump, and, you can use layers to improve it, so the outline looks at the same level, and not like stairs. (No offence)

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