How to make a Food Cart!

What you need–
x1–Text Box
x2-Black circle barriers
x2–White circle barriers
x1–Metal Pole
x1–Wooden Sheild
(appologize, the pictures have a black board leg)
Step one enlarge the anvil to the size of what you want the cart
Take the Black Barriers and put them on the bottom of the “cart”(anvil) like wheels.
Next Take the white barriers and make them a little smaller than the black ones and put them in the middle of the black barriers.
Next put the metal pole on top of the “cart”
Then put whatever food you want to be “selling” and place it on the top of the anvil.
Finaly put the wooden shield on the top of the metal pole like an umbrella

Screenshot 2024-01-09 082110
Screenshot 2024-01-09 082158


Nice guide! One thing though,

For some reason it says this, just make sure to fix that.

1 Like

Final step wouldnt load
Screenshot 2024-01-09 082319


Oh, ok, that’s what I was gonna say, but ya, nice guide!

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You have to wait for the screenshots to finish uploading before posting.

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Nice guide!

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Thanks, it just came through in my mind, so i made it!

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Cute! This is useful for games with cities.

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Bumpity bump bump bump!

tumblr_mjau4a6eD01rfjowdo1_500 This guide makes me hungry…


It might be better to change the category to Art.

I thought the art category was only for thumbnails?

nah it has the art tag already

Great job! I like the food cart :clap:
:shopping: :hotdog:

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Fake like, I ran out of them.

have another one :D
