How to make a fishing bobber

how to make a fishing bobber!
step 1, make a big red period
step 2, make a bunch of smaller white ones
Step 3,stack the white periods on the red period
and thats how you make a bobber! request what you want next in the comments


Nice guide, you might want to make it a bit mire soecific and detailed because it is really confusing and kinda unclear right now.

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would extra pics help?

also would you like to make a map all about prop art, scenery and 3d art? (if your experienced)

You didn’t really explain how to make it very well and the guide is very short

you can fix it if you want

I can’t edit your guide

This guide is short, and may get flagged
Also, what do you mean by this:

put the white periods on the red period

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what is a “big” red
if you are going to make guides try to put more effort


im sorry i cant type well my dog has been waking me up and ive slept for like 8 hours in the past 2 days

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also, i put a . just to let you know but ill change it

yea I’d loved to sometime. Contact me on the gimkit wix site my user and pfp are the same.


Nice guide!


wix is blocked but i do have a padlet

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This guide is good, it just needs more explanation/detail and more images would help


also I think you should have hidden the code by editing it and cropping it, or putting red marks on it

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oh sorry gffggfgfgfgf

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You should say that you are using a circular barrier rather than refer to it as a period.