How to Make a Driveable Vehicle

Nice! This is like my guide How to make a rideable skateboard! 1/10


Hey thats my thing you stole that

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Nice! This is pretty cool!

im confused, how do i do the wiring for that?

Basically, let’s say you have three props:

1 __ 2 __ 3

wire 1 to 2 and say “if 1 appears, make 2 disappear”
and then using channels say “if 3 appears, make 2 disappear”

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ok thanks! i was rly confused, but great guide overall! Luv it!

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oh, also, how do I wire them if each car has 3 different parts of props in them?

Great guide, @Shdwy! Don’t know why I never noticed this!

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Same thing, but instead of having 1 2 and 3 you could have 1a 1b 2a 2b and 3a 3b

so like this:

1a 1b __ 2a 2b __ 3a 3b
when 1a appears make 2a and 2b disappear
when 3a appears make 2a and 2b disappear

it’s exactly the same system, just more wires.


ohhhh ok that makes sense now thanks :slight_smile:

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will players be able to ride in the car?

Yep, that’s why its a drive-able vehicle.

so i made the cars, i followed all the steps but it doesnt let me drive

This sounds like a help thing, do you want to make a help topic about this? This isn’t really the place to debug programs. However, I would start debugging by making sure each zone makes SOMETHING appear and disappear, then make sure the car moves right. The first step in debugging is always breaking things down into little steps so you can see which step is failing.

Can you make a video of the finished product?

I never actually made it :skull:
This was really only a proof of concept, and in practice it would be a bit tricky. If there’s something in particular you need help with, you can make a help post on it.

@Dragontamer yeah, a coordinate system would work too, as long as you make sure to account for global deactivation. You have to make sure that–no matter the direction you come from—everything gets deactivated, which requires an external signal pusher along with some stuff to account for AUO. Good point!

@Dragontamer You can pretty easily do deactivation with a thing that updates when the coordinates update. You just have a system that says “when coordinates update, hide ALL vehicles” and then have a system that says “when entering (x, y), turn on vehicle at that point”

Theoretically, couldn’t you use a coordinate system? that way you could track other things with less memory consumption.
In the end though, this is a really cool idea.
(also, you could just use something like a tractor)

My solution for deactivation would be a game overlay. That way, you can control when the car starts/stops and get a signal automatically to deactivate.

hahahahhahaha…funny :neutral_face: (this is a joke don’t take is personally)