How To Make A Death Message + Death Randomizer! šŸŸØ

Could someone come up with death messages for platforming like ā€œfell to their deathā€?
Iā€™m out of ideasā€¦ (Yeah, me, GimSolver, has no ideasā€¦)
Anyone who could would be appreciated greatly. :yellow_heart: I wonder who will helpā€¦

@Kat_aronii, check the padlet.

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You could say as a joke: (insert name here) blames internet lag for his fall. or (insert name) wasnā€™t looking where they were going. or (insert name) died from fall damage.

kinda toxic but: ______ is now named fall damage boy.

____ thought they could fly
____ is the new flat stanley
____ flew too close to the sun
____ is lucky they can respawn

__ fell down a set of stairs. Hopefully it wasnā€™t actually their 12-year-old younger brother that did it who will isolate himself from the rest of the world and dream about a better place for the next 4 years before fighting his alter-ego in a strange place and getting his eye taken out by his friend who loves gardening.

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that sure would be bad. maybe they could make a game about that.

"Well, sigh, it seems that your journey has ended. Very sorry about that, it was-it always was going to end this way, of course. If it werenā€™t by me, it wouldā€™ve just been by some other, yā€™know, terrible thing, just, you could not imagine how terrible it would be.

___Didnā€™t live to write his autobiography
___Liked heaven better than this world
___Left before he had to
___left his account unattendedā€¦ for eternity

Darker Ones... (don't read if you cannot handle)

___Choked when it mattered most
___Met his Ancestors
___had his life cut short
___Enjoys Luciferā€™s company

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Terraria death messages? I knew it all too wellā€¦

I canā€™t seem to find the ā€œSend Notificationā€ block in the menu. Can I not find it or has it been deleted?

The block is in the notification, not the trigger, like a random setting that applies for the trigger only. Itā€™s odd, but thatā€™s the only way to do it.

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so itā€™s a setting that automatically applies? if so, can you show me a tutorial on how to do it? itā€™s a pain to spend hours to find it.