How to make a channel that when 2 channels run at the same time it does that channel

I have 2 checkers, i want to send a channel when both the checkers pass.

Sorry, I can’t read this. Could you rephrase this?

You could have an if/else code on a trigger that sends out a new code if both coded come in a set time.


yea i will respahe it

I think that’s possible (maybe not the timer).

No, my response earlier is wrong

Give me a sec to hop into Gimkit.

You would do it by having true or false properties for the checkers (checkers send channels to properties), and then you could have a trigger that when both are true, it sends out a channel message.

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Ok I will wait for you

Thats want i want to do but i know know how ill respond tommoraw i have to go

You can’t check booleans via checkers.

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The most optimized version is to have one checker(a) make another checker(b) check whenever checker(a)'s check passes. Then if checker(b)'s check passes, broadcast on a channel.



Yeah, that is the most optimal way that I can think of

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I got it!

You have 2 triggers. I’m using triggers but you can use anything to send the broadcast.

  1. put the 2 triggers over each other

  2. take 2 checkers to check for two items. I’m using yellow seed and red fish but you can use anything.

  3. make check #1 if containing (Item 1)

  4. go to your other checker and if containing (item 2) broadcast on channel

Bruh I just realized this was answered by Kosm0-o :frowning:
I’ma post this anyway

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I may be thinking of the checkers wrong, I thought he was talking about inventory checkers. Are you guys talking about something else. I thought that the item checkers would check for an item, and a second one a second, and then if they have both, then a trigger (from two properties) sends a channel if both things are a yes.

I think you can just have the checker run the check twice.

Couldn’t you just have 2 separate checkers and only let each check pass once and send a signal to a counter that sends a signal when it reaches 2?


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