How to make a castle! (Barrier art) 3/10 or đźź©

How to make a common medieval castle using barriers!

what you need

This barrier. The “basic”

These barriers. Part of the door in the castle can be made out of these.
These barriers. Use them to make a turret.

These barriers. Make a window out of them.

Finally, have any of these flags. (Optional)

Great work!

Assemble parts

To make the basic layout of the castle, do this. 3 basic barriers.

Then overlap the barriers so it looks like this.

To make the door, assemble like this, using the barriers you saw earlier.

Add an optional “doorknob” made out of text.
The finished product will be half of the door.
To make a turret, follow these steps.

Lastly, assemble the window (the flag does not have to be assembled)


Nice job!

Assemble castle

First, add turrets here, here, and here.

Then add 3 windows below the turrets.

Make a door by duplicating the “half door” you made, and putting a barrier in the middle. The put it on the rest of the castle.

Finally, you can add a flag on top. (Optional)

Awesome, you finished!

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Only 3/ 10 because this castle took a hour to make :expressionless:

Final product:


woah this is so cool!
I could never make something like this on my own, the creativity is crazy!

This is an amazing guide! This is your first right?

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Thanks @Corsa ! Welcome to the forums!


Not my first, but it’s my best so far!

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You should have an image of the final product!

Final product:

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the final product is in the guide. or is there more I missed out on?

I mean put that image in your guide.

It is in the guide now @BrownSugarAlien

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yeah it was already in the assemble castle area.

Why did you change your name from Monkee to corsa? IDK. Corsa does sound more creative.

Don’t get off topic ok?

I didn’t.
Monkee is a seperate person.
he says I stole his PFP, even though I found it online.

what does “off-topic” mean?


Means you aren’t on topic. (Surprised you don’t know that)

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Huh? @NotYoyo what do you mean? No I mean what does “alt.” mean?

An alt is like your second account (basically not your main one but one you use sometimes) Hopefully that makes sense. @Cats123