hello is there a way to make a capture the flag game but instead of top-down
platformer instead?
Welcome to the forums @David2029!
The flag device is currently not available for platformer, so sadly, no.
Yes, you can. What do you need for help?
Did they add flag to platformer???
ok thanks for the help
Pseudo flags.
You could make it a parkour, where they have to get to the top of the place first and then get the flag back to their base without being caught.
. . . i f o r g o r
I’m pretty sure they did…
Edit: Oops, they didn’t!
The flag prop → deactivate when player presses button. @PhoenixWander
Also looks better, yk?
Flag on a device
ye, i know what a pseudo flag is i just forgot they exist lol
yea, idk why, its probably bugs with flag physics :/.
So use this,
for the flags.
And yeah.
Oh, that’s because he thought it was solved.