How to make a button only be able to be pressed once a minute đźź©

I don’t know if this has been done before, so sorry if it has.

For this guide you need:
Button 1x
Repeater 1x

Place the Button Down
Set “When button pressed, transmit on” to Button Pressed
Set “Deactivate when receiving on” to Button Pressed
Place Repeater
Set “Start Repeater when receiving on” to Button Pressed
Set “Task Interval” to 60 seconds (Any number works)
Set “Stop Strategy” to “After Number of repetitions”
Set “Number of repetitions” to 1
Set “When task occurs transmit on” to Button Pressable
Go back to the button
Set “Activate Button when receiving on” to Button Pressable


What the button should look like:

What the repeater should look like (I couldn’t fit the “Number of repetitions” onto the screenshot, but you get the general idea):

This was my first guide, so if i did anything wrong, please tell me.


This is a great first guide and easily understandable! One way it could be improved is if you could posibly add pictures.

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Updated the OP with some pictures.

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Great! It makes it even better!

@GimAI /gimai_rate


GimAi is inactive, as confirmed by its profile description.

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Oh sorry. I don’t really know anything about this, and I just saw people doing it.

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Nice job, @Depressed_Owl!

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Nice job!

ShinyRowlet, DepressedOwl. Those are some… opposites. Is rowlet even an owl? I have like… no experience with Pokemon.

Its a avian pokemon that resembles an owl, so I assume it is.

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Something that relates to birds.

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Nice guide @Depressed_Owl

Nice guide! Can’t you also use wire repeaters?

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oh no. :rotating_light: REPEATER :rotating_light:
it’s fine, you didn’t know about this when you made this.

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@Depressed_Owl isn’t active anymore

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not necessarily. they were seen about a week ago.

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Oh, okay, I’ve never seen them active before other than this post