How to make a border patrol system/prison check system (Difficulty 3/10 or đźź© )

I made a border patrol system and wanted to show other people how to do it

So first make the police station and make this set up. Then set the inventory item manager (the brown things) to whatever items you want outlawed and make sure you have a wall layer surrounding your road, and click on the zone and go to channels and when the player walks in it it triggers a channel (name it whatever) then click on the inventory item managers and go to channels and make so when it receives a signal from the channel you set up at the zone it will clear that item from their inventory. Lastly repeat this however many times you want to for different outlawed items it’s your map have fun hope this helped. Oh one last thing (this is optional) on the inventory item manager you could make it so notifications are turned off so you won’t know if someone has a outlawed item.


why is this off topic its exactly what its meant to be

Oh also the buttons are to open and close the barriers their connected too

Nice guide @Viper_Wolf9228! I would rate this a 2/10 though its not very difficult but for new users it might so I would say a 2/10, but great guide overall.

Its a guide so its not offf-topic.

yeah only reason it’s 3/10 is because for new users it might be harder to use channels

yeah but the tag is off-topic but it isn’t :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

oh sorry about that I misclicked

Its gone now, and I meant to repond to @Viper_Wolf9228, sorry.

And nice Gim, Doge is my favorite. :+1:

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Yeah dodge is my favorite cause its closest to a wolf


I 100% agree with you, also they should add a wolf gim.

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Yeah a wolf gim would be awsome

I know and it can’t be doges brother, If you haven’t guessed by now there will be 5 fox gims, thats why Doges collection is called “Fox Five Collection”. And the second fox was found in the files a few months ago, its name is artic fox. let me see if I can find a pic of it.

i dont know why the dodge looks like its nose is to big now

oh ok, thanks. I guess i didn’t put two and two together with fox five

Yeah I only know this because I am part of the Gimkit Fandom, search anything up about gimkit and it will pop up, It has all the info on gimkit and heres a pic;
Screenshot 2023-09-07 9.37.54 AM

Artic Fox

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I’m gonna buy it when it comes out. It’s nice

It was found in march of 2023 and it is predicted to launch this december. The whole fandom including me thinks that one fox will release each year. its also probably a legendary so 2k gimbucks.

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That would make sense. So are the foxes gonna be all the different seasons or is it just that one sorry I haven’t followed the fandom before this