2. then take another make it smaller and make it above the big one here are the colors.
R=206, B=105 and G=188
3. make another one and make this the smallest and above the second pole. Here if you want mine, R=253, B=229, and G=124.
4. take out normal wooden poles for the candles and you can do how many you want, I’m doing 6 for gimkit.
5. Then add fire emojis by copying and pasting them in the text box
That’s how you make a birthday cake.
Happy birthday Gimkit ! @Techno out
If they already added candles, I guess you could resize them and recolor them to match with the cake, and put them a layer below the poles, so it looks like the candles are in the cake, and not on top of the cake.
Idk, though. <------ Saying this just in case it doesn’t look good.
Do you ever get the one person that gives you the birthday notice? They are like “its my birthday in 2 weeks!”. The other person is like “I don’t really care and I’m not getting you anything”