How to make a birthday cake (⬜️ or 0/10)

Happy birthday, gimkit for 6 years!
today we will be making a cake

1st. Take out a wooden pole and make it big then set its color if you want mine here, R=219, B=0, and G=179

2. then take another make it smaller and make it above the big one here are the colors.
R=206, B=105 and G=188
3. make another one and make this the smallest and above the second pole. Here if you want mine, R=253, B=229, and G=124.
4. take out normal wooden poles for the candles and you can do how many you want, I’m doing 6 for gimkit.
5. Then add fire emojis by copying and pasting them in the text box
That’s how you make a birthday cake.
Happy birthday Gimkit !
@Techno out


Nice guide! I might use this but shrink and modify the design a little bit for one of my maps.

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Nice guide!

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dont forget to say happy birthday

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@Techno the easy tag is unused.

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okay i did not know sorry

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If they already added candles, I guess you could resize them and recolor them to match with the cake, and put them a layer below the poles, so it looks like the candles are in the cake, and not on top of the cake.
Idk, though. <------ Saying this just in case it doesn’t look good.

Cute and thoughtful guide!

Nice guide! I suggest putting the the wooden poles under the fire to make it look a little better :fire:

Happy Birthday GKC :partying_face: :tada:!!!

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Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday GKC, happy birthday to you!

Birthday bump!

Do you ever get the one person that gives you the birthday notice? They are like “its my birthday in 2 weeks!”. The other person is like “I don’t really care and I’m not getting you anything” :skull:


I like this. Here’s a gift!


You get a caterpillar!
Not really a caterpillar but don’t show it to your three year old sister.


red velvet! cool!

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