How to Make a Bank with Interest- Difficulty 🟧 or 6.5/10

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Edit: Edited
Edit 3: This better…


where? i can only see that if there is an edit


i need to wait some time for it to edit


just do this


it doesn’t work even when I followed @mysz instructions.


If this is your idea of a vague explanation, I’d like to see a detailed explanation…


Don’t make an overly long explanation challenge (impossible)

It was in-depth, but didn’t explain how exactly to integrate compound interest into the game (I was mostly just trying to explain what compound interest is)… then again, I didn’t want to write 3x as much and discourage anyone from actually reading it :V


Banks are actually really cool and I think a lot of users will benefit from them. I would update this, but…

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I have a really simple idea for compound interest. I don’t know if anyone has made this yet, but make the repeater tirgger a trigger. In the blocks, it should multiply money by 1.07, or 1 plus your compound interest rate in a decimal.

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(takes out loan from bank)

(when was there interest???)

(bruh i dont want to pay more money)

(strange ways to burmp guides)

*Entering Bank
*Says hi to @The_7th_Dragon when she was leaving
*Presses button
*One message shows up

BUNP is my way to Bump

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Are the property settings number or text?

Do I multiply all of this by 4 if I wanna do 4 of them

If you mean repeat the whole build 4 times, I would assume.

ok thanks. That is what Iw as thinking also but I am trying to make so that there are boxes that pupup on the screen instead of words. do you know if there is a way to do that. I am making a storage system.

Have you heard of the popup shop? It’s extremely versatile and can be used for storage! Sorry for the late reply, I just finished a math test.

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What are the settings for the properties?

It didn’t work.

@mysz , can you help me? [1]

  1. actually anyone can help ↩︎

he’s been silenced, so he can’t reply

i believe it would be a number property, with scope of player, but i could be wrong.

@Txme_Lxss look at his bio it says he’s silenced