step 1 get a vending machine two zones and 1 vertical door and 1 horizontal door like this
step 2 take the vending machine and set it so it is transmit on channel.
step 3 then make it so it is invisible
step four set wires so that if the vending machine goes off the vertical barrier shall vanish and the horizontal one shall appear
step 5 place both barriers like this with the vending machine underneath the vertical one.
step 6 set the zones with a wire so that if you enter ether zone the vertical one shall appear and the horisontal one shall vanish.
final step make sure the horizontal barrier is invisible when the game starts.
I feel ya buddy, But channels are memory-free and more memory-efficient, unlike wires which cost 10 memory per wire. You’ll understand channels soon enough. They are not as hard as they seem!