How to make a 3D render system

Dose anyone know how to render something in 3D. I’m gonna be using the text object to do this.

I know it involves some complex math with matrices, but I do believe it should be possible
( if u round some values to get sin cos tan )


Welcome to the forums!

I don’t think Gimkit Creative currently has the capability to have a 3D render system. if you place another text in front of the first text, it looks a little more “3D.”

@Shdwy, what do you think?


I’m sure its possible to get a 3d “effect.” Like with props and layering symbols with text.


you can use animations, say your 3d object is spinning, use different props behind them, and move them a certain way to make them ‘3d’.


To render, shrink the prop size, and change its alpha to a lower variable. Such as a 0.50 instead of 1.00. And for text, just ajust the color of the text and shrink its size, so if the text is black, make it grey. Also,

you can do that to, but for rendering is distance it wouldn’t work well, but as a symbol or sign, it would.


You’d probably have to render each individual line, so make a grid and graph out a cube. A good idea would be to make each edge a separate formula, and make the line out of apostrophes, underscores, periods, etc. and space/switch them out using block code to make it seem like the line is tilting. It’d be very complicated, but I wish you luck!
Essentially, create an infinite range of movement using ascii. This would take a really
long time.
Example of what it’d look like:

     .__________,            ,------.           ,..______,.,     
    ,_________/  |          ,________.          |  \._______\
`   |         |  |         |          |         |   |        |
    |         |  /         |          |          \  |        |  
    |_________|/           |__________|            \| _______|

And yes, I made these myself.
OR this:

  ╱       ╱ │
┌⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼┐   │ 
│        │   │
│        │   │
│________│ ╱

However, using special characters is a dangerous game and would take a lot more time.
Start by calculating the formulas of each edge to figure out the length of every line, and then create a value for each punctuation mark to create mathematical equations that coincide with the sums and order of the punctuation. I wish you luck!


I’m talking about using text objects to render 3d objects, not a one time thing. I’m talking about a system with a player xyz player angle and object xyz and it renders correctly based on the positions


Did you see my reply?


This is pretty much what’s at the cutting edge of technical gkc, so, if you want to help…


A lot of games in the early days of computer games used ASCII (text art) to create 3d environments through static movement (not smooth movement).
I reccomend you look into how those games were coded.


Adventure and Wumpus were text-based games, in which players entered moves by typing them in and reading instructions as they appeared printed on the computer screen. Text-based games were low on graphics, perfect for early computers, but they allowed intricate plotting and stimulated the imagination”(Gale, Computer Games). The reason I bring up these is because before we can even bring up how to create a 3d rendering process, we first need to figure out how to simulate the illusion of a 3d object/environment.


It’s possible to get 3d rendering. It’s just incredibly difficult. I don’t think it’s been done before, at least not here or in the Discord. (and I doubt the wix is gonna be able to do anything)

Good luck, though! I’m interested to see how this goes.


We’d have to start with creating something like Doom, where lines and shapes are created with complex algebra and geometry. I don’t think we could jump straight into 3d rendering, we’d have to start with something simple. It’s like how computers started off as 1s and 0s, but can now play full fledged games. We have to figure out how to utilize the block code and in-game calculator we’re given to sort of ‘evolve’ and get towards bigger graphic planes.

Doom was a huge step in the history of 3D games, so I think looking at older games that dove into how to create 3d is a good place to start.


Yeah. This is a linear algebra (vectors + matrices) issue, so it’s gonna take a bunch of math that I’m guessing almost everyone on this website doesn’t know.
I’d suggest taking a look at Scratch 3d games. They use block code (albeit much more useful block code, ours is terrible) and probably approach it in the easiest way. There will be a couple extra challenges, but it’s a good start.

oh also hi wendover welcome to the forums (you may or may not like it here)


Scratch is definitely a place to start, but almost all the 3d rendering projects I’ve seen on there use the “Draw” extension, which draws lines from point to point, so we’d have to develop an in-code x:y plane and a unitary system using local variables (variables that are specific to one section of code, not a property), and find a way to recreate that extension in GKC.

I smell a Clay Institute development


Scratch is slow tho, plus it can’t rly do texture rendering


for texture rendering, we’d have to pull a Doom and make shapes using stacked lines.


Scratch is terrible for actual code, but it’s still better than Gimkit.


Scratch is slow, that’s why I recommended looking into static movement before smooth rotation
Idea: We could simulate pixels using these: |▖|▗|▘|▝|■|


for a actual thing I’m making I just draw an image and use a matrix to shift it to make it look 3d.

Only thing is I need the numbers to put into the matrix

Btw I’m using C++ because speed