How to inflict damage to player when button pressed

No u cant i just tried

Yes, you can. Go to the left and click Blocks!!!

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I see options but no blocks

Oh wait i was clicking on checker


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Wait idk what each category each block is in

Like if property > 1

Propery > 1 is a check in the checker. It should check everytime Property updates

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What about the other things you said

@max1 reply bro ive been waiting for 13 min. So PLEASE

STOP BEING IMPATIENT!!! It’s not like we’re AI and can reply in 0.00000000000001 seconds!!!


You are LITERALLY DRIVING ME CRAZY!!! You can’t expect people to use EVERY SECOND OF THEIR LIFE for you!!!


just flag it as spam and ignore it

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We should all calm down… im sure @max1 will respond eventually.

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Maybe just stop replying for a minute before you lose it…


In the trigger’s blockcode, the ‘set property’ and ‘get property’ blocks are in the essentials category. The ‘_ - _’ and number blocks are in the math category.

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Long post

Blocks in trigger
Screenshot 2023-12-22 6.59.43 PM
Checker settings
Screenshot 2023-12-22 6.59.29 PM
Check 1
Screenshot 2023-12-22 6.59.08 PM
Property settings

Respawn settings
Screenshot 2023-12-22 6.58.48 PM


Using a laser is so much simpler

I think I have a simple idea, @DoorsPro4160 . When the button is clicked, it teleports the player to a room full of lasers. (You can edit the lasers for how much damage you want to inflict on the player)

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