How to glitch the game and ruin it (Not patched yet!)

There isn’t just one way to glitch Gimkit so much it stops working. One hasn’t been patched yet. It is really simple so enjoy!

Step 1: Materials needed:

Button or triggering device x2

Step 2: Setup

1: Place a button. Do not modify the settings.
2: Copy the button you placed.
3: Place a Questioner.
4: In the “kit link” section, type anything that isn’t a kit link.
5: Wire one button so it says “When pressed, activate questioner.”
6: Wire the other button so it says “When pressed, open questioner interface.”

And you are done! This is my first guide, so I’d love some feedback!


Wow. That’s one glitch right there.

Just because somebody didn’t reply in the first 20 seconds of the creation of your guide doesn’t mean nobody is online.


You know this’ll make it patched right?

It won’t happen right away though…

My friend taught me how to do it

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Great guide!
This is one alternative to the Questioner + Popup glitch.
Can this be done with only one button? What I mean by this is using a channel from the button to the questioner to activate it and using a wire repeater to open the questioner screen from the button. (0.1 sec delay for the wire repeater)


You know what? That’s not a bad idea! Theoretically, it should work…

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