How to force a player to stand still

Im making a four corners map and i placed a counter and I need it to freeze players when it hits 0 so they cant change their spot

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In the counter, there should be a target setting. Make the target 0, when target reached, send on a channel.
Then have a speed modifier modify the player speed to 0 when it receives on that channel.

If you want to do it for everyone, use a relay.

Or you can also use invisible barriers that activate on the channel.
Edit: didn’t see gim gamer’s post sorry



You could make barriers that activate when the counter hits zero. (And deactivate too)

barriers do not limit a players movement unless around the player smh :man_facepalming:

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Yeah but it keeps them inside the square

If you made a hollow box literally just a little bigger than the player than yes. But you have to have a coord system and relays and channels and trigger and bleh All that work for one little box. AND THEN yOU FiNd OuT ThEre aRe 30 pLaYeRs plAYiNG. So, speed change is WAY easier.

Also, if you are thinking of a barrier that covers the entire map, that won’t work either because there is this weird glitch in Gimkit that if a barrier goes on top or under a player, not active on game start, the barriers collision doesn’t exist until the player gets off of the barrier.

the four corners section isn’t big its kinda small

Yeah but speed modifiers are still easier either way

no use a movement meter that is not activated on game start
activate it when the player steps in zone
make it scoped by global


Just do what chunky said!

Speed modifiers can be set to 0

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I don’t think that’s a glitch.

Is there a solution yet?

Not a marked one, but yes. The very first comment is what works


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