How to detect when a player moves in a zone

rn ill be check later for a solution

You could add a zone, and then connect the wire to notification, so that when a player enters a zone, then the you will be notified.

And in the notification, you can customize it to say anything you want, like “a player entered your zone”

So you cannot be checking when they move in the zone. But you can check when they come in and out. Whenever they are standing in a non-active zone and it activates, this counts as going in. I don’t know if you can do what you are saying though. Some alternates would be invisible lasers or triggers if you have a small space…

Also welcome to the forum, @astralmoonlight!

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Ohh…I see. Also, thanks!

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so i could just use a bunch of mini zones to make it?

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I guess…I’m not an expert…so I don’t know that much…

Yeah but it might take up some memory

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Oh no! I’m not an expert either! I’m still learning things too! Even the experts come to the Help category whenever their stumped!

Huh, really. You seem like a expert to me.

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Well maybe but I still don’t understand half the stuff like this!

I just looked at the link too, and I don’t get it either.

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whats that? @Jobozo1875

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Yeah lol

Anyway, lets get back on topic

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so just a bunch of mini zones?
btw memory doesnt matter

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Its an example of something I don’t semi understand…

Anyway, If you’ve found your answer, please mark it! But if you have any other questions then fell free to ask!

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