How to detect if a player is on a certain team

I found a way to do this, and I didn’t find a guide on this before, so I made it! The title explains it all.

I made this in my game, and I wanted to make a guide on it.

Everything but the block code

This is easy, place a trigger:
Screenshot 2024-02-29 6.52.54 PM


In the trigger’s block section, put this block code:
Screenshot 2024-02-29 6.53.59 PM
You can name the channel anything you want.

Ignore the channel name…


Here are some uses, as to not get flagged.

  1. Making teams in tagging but not making different teams tag each-other

  2. Making a notifcation saying a differnet thing depending on what team the player is on.

  3. Why I made it: Making it so the assassain has to escape after knocking out the target and not the guard, as shown by the name of the channel.

Okay, now you have a team checker you can use for totaly practical reasons!

Not why I used it…

Another way to do it. (credit to Getrithekd)

If you looked at a wire repeater, you can see there’s an option to make it only work for one team, you can use a lot of wire repeaters and make only one pulse actally do something.


I could probably use this in my map, thanks for the guide.

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Nice! But, you could just use lots of wire repeaters since they’re only 5 memory. Maybe you could add a section on that?


I’ll make a section on that.

All the blur spoilers are distracting, and new users might not know to click on them
Maybe use this this

~~this~~ <ins>this</ins>

Instead of blur spoilers


This looks a lot worse better than spoilers


Why’d you add credit to blackhole?

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Wrong person…