What’s up, gamers! It’s me, Landyn Speed, back with a new Doors guide! I’ve recently been doing a lot of Doors guides, so I figured I might as well wrap up the Doors stuff with an iconic mechanic: the closet. You literally can’t beat the game without it, as entities like Rush force you to hide in them. But don’t stay in them for too long, or Hide will damage you and kick you out of the closet! And as always, El Goblino will be there to help me out. So, let’s get straight into it!
Making The Closet
Setting The Scene
You enter the next door, and you see the lights flicker. You have a sudden urge to hide somewhere, so you look around for a place to hide, and you see a closet just down the hall. You hear a loud noise coming from the room behind you. You better act fast! You race to the closet, but the noise gets louder and louder.
Will you make it in time?
What You'll Need
2 Teleporters
2 Buttons
1 Bookshelf Prop
1 Barrier
Step 1. First, you gotta make your hallway. I like having boardwalk floors, with cracked oak walls. But you need to make sure you have a little section like this, outside of the normally straight hallway, like this.
This will be where you place your closet.
Step 2. Place your bookshelf prop so it covers up the little closet space, and make sure your bookshelf prop covers up the closet space. Place an invisible button in front of the closet that says “Enter Closet,” transmits and deactivates on “Closet,” and activates on “Exit_Closet.” Have a teleporter inside the closet space that you get teleported to on the channel “Closet.”
Step 3. Place another button inside the closet that says “Exit Closet” and transmits on “Exit_Closet.” Have a teleporter outside the closet that you get teleported to on the channel “Exit_Closet.” And lastly, have a barrier that separates the hallway from the closet space.
And You’re Done!
El Goblino Summary
Oye, hombre! It’s time to decode this gibberish for you, I guess. When Rush or Ambush comes, you have to act quickly! You see the nearest closet and jump into it by pressing the outside button. Rush passes, and you’re safe! You get out by pressing the Exit button, and you continue on your run.
Making Hide (Both Floors)
Hide: The Hotel
Setting The Scene
You hide in the closet, but what passes by isn’t Rush. It’s green and pink for some reason. You decide to stay in the closet, just to be safe. Sure enough, this new entity passes by again. If you had left the closet, you surely would’ve d1ed. Suddenly, your vision begins to blur. You see red letters: Get Out. But I can’t! You say. I’ll d1e! But it doesn’t matter. A sharp pain fills your chest as you get thrown out of the closet, and you can see the purple and green monster closing in on you.
What You'll Need
What You’ll Need
Closet Mechanics
1 Teleporter
1 Damager
1 Trigger
Step 1. First, you’ll need to already have closet mechanics. Place down a trigger that triggers and activates when receiving on “Closet,” transmits on “Hide,” and deactivates on “Exit_Closet.” Set the delay to 10 seconds.
Step 2. Set the damager to 25 damage, and have it damage the player on the “Hide” channel. Lastly, place the teleporter outside the closet and have the player be teleported to it on the same “Hide” channel."
And You’re Done!
Once again, when using multiple closets, use wires instead of channels.
El Goblino Summary
Oye, hombre! Now, let’s discuss this “Hide” creature. When you enter a closet, you can’t stay in it forever! You have 10 seconds until Hide kicks you out of it, but takes away a quarter of your max health. So you need to keep getting in and out when dealing with Ambush. Creepy stuff, man!
Hide: The Mines
Setting The Scene
You see the flicker once more, but this time you’re ready. You find the nearest equipment closet and you watch Ambush pass by. You quickly get out of your closet, knowing Hide will attack if you don’t. You hear Ambush again, so you quickly look back at your closet. There’s a strange red glow inside of it, but it’s too late. You open it and tentacles reach for you, as you spend your last moments slowly being dismembered.
What You'll Need
What You’ll Need
Closet Mechanics
1 Respawn
1 Trigger
1 Zone
Step 1. Place down a trigger that triggers and activates on “Exit_Closet.” Have it be of PLAYER scope, and have it transmit on “Hide_Mines.”
Step 2. Have a zone inside the closet be NOT active on game start and make it activate on “Hide_Mines.” Make it transmit and deactivate on “Hide_Respawn.” Have the respawn device respawn the player when receiving on “Hide_Respawn.”
And You’re Done!
El Goblino Summary
Hola, amigo! Looks like this creepy Hide guy made it to the Mines, but something’s different about him. Let me help you out. When you exit a closet, Hide spawns into the closet that you were just in. So when you go back into it, you immediately get respawned! Simple as that!