How to create bushes that become transparent when you go near them šŸŸØ

Also does anyone else see this on my post? It somehow lagged out and now it has my profile description on it lol.

Edit: I just changed it back

see what? I see it like this:

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Yeah, thatā€™s what I meant. I donā€™t know what happened. I guess the forums has a bug?

Another note: Why do you use light mode!? It hurts my eyes!

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Is there a way to make a player go invisible when they enter a bush?

Not at the moment, sadly.

Invisibits are ā€“ probably ā€“ an unreleased item that players can use to go invisible.

The name hurts my brainā€¦


How to create bushes THAT beCOME transparent when you go near them.

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i feel like you keep doing thisā€¦

Did you read my guide? It tells you how to do it. Have the prop be in the top layer.

@Unit_72 Lol


oh hey welcome back slim

Couple things on the guide- I need something to post so I donā€™t feel forgotten :slight_smile: (cause I bet you some newer people here have never seen or even heard of me) -

But the guide is pretty good! I like how there are chapters or sections so itā€™s easier to find then a big wall of text, and how you added a feedback poll! You also added at least a picture for your end product, and have also separated your first part and second part, with what you should know, and the steps!

But thatā€™s just my opinion on the guide! :smiley: Great job on your second guide!


@Slim ā€¦ thatā€™s two million IQ

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Actually, one cannot possibly have

because there are simply not enough people on Earth to have a little over 200 IQ. Just a little fact.

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It was a joke :skull:
donā€™t be a smart alec, itā€™s really not quite funny.

I am sorry, but the message, "It was a joke šŸ’€ donā€™t be a smart alec, itā€™s really not quite funny." does not compute with my systems. Please repeat:

Iā€™m just going to leave this topic, I donā€™t want to ruin Slimā€™s guide.

I am sorry, but the message, "šŸ’€ Iā€™m just going to leave this topic, I donā€™t want to ruin Slimā€™s guide." does not compute with my systems. My sensors indicate that this topic is becoming: *****OFF-TOPIC*****. Please redirect the flow of conversation.

(Read until the end)

please shtop @Unit_72.

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(post deleted by author)


oh no please @CassiusDoomlorde please do this somewhere else but still lol

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