How to Create Areas Only One Team Can Access!๐Ÿ˜Ž

the problem is it is the same with less details

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Why did like five people welcome them?
Now lets get back



What does that mean? Does it mean you will delete my guide?

a bump is a way of bringing a guide back to the top of the list! it means your guide is too important to be lost with the others :slight_smile:


wait, how do you bump, and are we allowed to do that with our own guides?

(because I want to bump my own guidesโ€ฆ)

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Bumping is easy, just send a message saying โ€œbumpโ€
You can bump your own guide if you want, but people might think its self promotion

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ok, will i get negetivity for that?

I donโ€™t know because Iโ€™ve never used one, but this forum is mostly vanilla and nobodyโ€™s dived in to the realm of adding mods, but if you want to use them, feel free

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Wait, I am more confused, so

  1. What is a mod
  2. Will i get hate for it
    (also pls dont take this offensivly)
    :crazy_face: :crazy_face: :grin: :grin:

Thank you for saying that. It made me feel good that my guide was helpful.

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That would work too. Good idea!

The only reason I said that was because I used that same exact thing that I said once.

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BUMP!!! :smile: Bump xd. Thanks for bumping my guide

Nice guide. Useful for battle Royale maps.

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TYSM! I might actually make a battle royale game