How To Create A Working Slot Machine! [Difficulty šŸŸ© or 3/10]

Yes, one gamble we DONā€™T want to take is this post getting flagged.

Nice guide! However, a real gambling machine would not have 50% as the odds. No, 30% at the maximum, and the lower the better.

Nice job!

I agree with Clic though, the odds that the player wins money are 5 in 11, the odds that they lose money are 5 in 11, and the odds that they break even are 1 in 11. What kinda casino is this, giving you good odds? : P

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Bumping this in case anyone needs it

disclaimer: donā€™t add this to your map if youā€™re going to publish it. itā€™s okay if itā€™s showcasing, but publishing is for the public and will get taken down for gambling because think of the CHILDREN

I dont get the how to do the rewiring part
Also how did you make it look like thst

Ok but also, is fishtopia not gambling?

For the rewiring:

For the look: I used a gate console, space trash, and a text device to make it.

no itā€™s not, slot machines are gambling and fishtopia is a randomizer

gambling does not equal randomizer

Okay, but make sure this doesnā€™t get published. Gambling is against publishing rules.

can you post a dld? I agree with @GimSolver, @eiqcrmeliutgwhc

you can simulate dld but that update still isnā€™t out yet

no, like a code on the wix. I have beat it once today.

itā€™s 9:34 pm in my area so not today and back on topicā€¦

Ok, I guess. Randomization is part of the whole thing, though.

What text


The cherries.

Wow. Who wouldā€™ve thought making a slot machine would be so easy? Well, I have a question for you. If you can use this for money, would the same principle also apply to, let us say a slot machine that deals out different types and rarities of weapons?

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Essentially, what I am thinking of is the mystery box from Cod: Zombies.

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idk if cheesebox is online rn but ig soā€¦ just modify it a little